Is there more?
A question that got a very special answer with the month of October.
We are sentient beings, we are full of emotions, sleeping or walking on our own, but nothing can prepare you for the energy shift that triggers an indescribable sequence in your body… And you can’t compare it to anything you’ve experienced before.
In the past month and a half, I realized that life is not a single event, but a single event can change the whole outlook on life. Can I imagine anything more? Of course.. However, life itself is no longer an event or a movie in which I am the main character. I’ll leave the main role to the heroine, maybe you could even call her Lara Croft, but she’s so much more… so much more…
If I try… really try, and try to translate the emotions into the words I’m just writing, I can easily say that I’m very stingy, and that words can’t handle all this burden, because the main character is and will become, that something more… She will continue the story int that film of mine, which I cannot and do not know how to finish without her.
When she looks at me, I feel richer for something that didn’t exist before. When she touches me I want… I want.. I want a world in which she will be seen as I see her, because then the world will be more beautiful, and the world will be hers.
Lara… One day… years from now… When you read this… Maybe we’ll read it together… Then you’ll see the same love for you in my eyes…
Namely.. Such love is born once, but never dies…